-- Matt Laffey, Always1895.net
Yep, Matt hit the nail on the head in his comment in last week's round-up at Always 1895. And, as Lady Coincidence would have it, I have never been more unclear on that stance than tonight.
Being a little behind on my podcasts, I was catching up on the Baker Street Babes today with their 52nd episode, "A Finger Slip Web Series." Now, a little Googling will very quickly catch you up on what "A Finger Slip" is all about. You'll learn:
a.) "A Finger Slip" is a fan fiction tale told entirely in text messages, an idea taken from another fan fiction based on the TV show Glee.
b.) "A Finger Slip: Web Series" has a Kickstarter that has already raised $13,000 toward adapting that fan fiction into video. Their goal was $10,000, so they're doing pretty well.
c.) A "finger slip" is a technique for touching a woman's private parts, according to the description you'll find in the Urban Dictionary.
And apparently, "A Finger Slip" has touched a lot of folks's mental private parts.
Now, having listened to the Babes' podcast, read a bit of the fic, and checked out the Kickstarter, here's what I have to say about it all: Listen to the Babes' podcast, read the fan fiction, and check out the Kickstarter. And see what you think.
We live in an age where a young dreamer can get an idea to adapt an idea based on an idea, with both of the last two ideas based on two other ideas, then raise $13,000 to fulfill that dream, funded by folks who want to see that dream come true. Now, there's a temptation to be a little cynical about all of that, and maybe a wee bit of that has crept into my words tonight, but here's the thing:
But here we are, in this brave new Sherlockian world, and any of us could do such things. Young or old. Some of those who are doing them could seem a little naive as to the ways of the world at times, a little wet behind the ears, etc., etc., but hey, if they're doing it and we're not, good on them.* Perhaps it's not knowing some of the possible pitfalls out there that gives them such enthusiasm to move ahead.
I'm less and less sure of where I stand in our modern Sherlockian world for one simple reason: It's a much bigger place than it used to be and there are just so many, many places to stand now. And with so many available, you have to move around a little bit just to get the view from a few different angles.
*This statement only applies to amateur endeavors and not big-budget corporate efforts that could be a lot better given the resources available to them. You know who I'm talking about.
Have never texted, so that leaves me out of definitions A and B of 'A Finger Slip.' HAVE made use of definition C - but that could also be Hand Slip or Tongue Slip. If others want to expand their Sherlockian World with text fan fiction - more power to them. They do not need approval from others, and can, likewise, disregard disapproval.
ReplyDeleteAt first I too thought AFS, the title of said Sherlockian fanfic, referred to 'actes charnels' - which is understandable considering the XXX nature/content of many fan fictions (with ratings of R or NC17 or MA, etc.) - but then I realized there was a much more mundane explanation: the premise of AFS is that John and Sherlock meet accidentally due to the text message equivalent of dialing the wrong number; and the easiest way to send a text message to the wrong person is to press the wrong button via a slip of the finger.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, I would like to take this moment to officially nominate Mr Keefauver for 'Best single sentence found in a Sherlockian blog for the month of February' for the following: "And apparently, "A Finger Slip" has touched a lot of folks's mental private parts."