Sunday, August 4, 2024

So let's talk about Sherlock Holmes s**tposting . . .

 We all have our opinions. And we know that. It's just that sometimes we think it's not just an opinion, it's the One Correct Answer.

My friend Rob posted his weekly blog column on the negativity he'd see from some Sherlockians online about our latest big Sherlock, "Cumberbashing" was the term he used. Typically we see bashing of a particular Holmes portrayal from a couple of sources: Those new to the community who don't realize what a big tent Sherlock Holmes fans encompass, or those whose egotism and mindset doesn't allow that other opinions could have value or that others might feel a sting from their words.

Rob wrote of the big three: Rathbone, Brett, and Cumberbatch. All have their diehard fans and most of us know to be a little measured in our discourse, like different denominations of the same religion with nearby churches.  

But what about Matt Frewer? Is his Sherlock fair game, just because his fans tend to rarely be in the room?

And what about . . . oh, you think I'm going to Will Ferrell? Mais non, mon petit! . . . season four of BBC Sherlock?

Nothing is worse than a pundit with God on their side, or a seemingly overwhelmingly popular opinion. With season four of BBC Sherlock,  all the Canon-only Sherlockians, all the Brett-Is-The-One-True-Sherlock-ians, everyone who had any reason to dump on the Cumberbatch series to start with, all saw their opportunity to invite disgruntled fans of the show to the Dark Side. They might as well have gone full Palpatine and just said it . . .

"Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you."

But here's the thing. We all really hate something. If you go back in time with this blog post, you'll find I was as evil as could be about CBS's Elementary. I should just shut the hell up, having written such things. But nobody is as preachy as a reformed villain, so I'm gonna preach.

If you're talking one on one with a friend you know well, let it all out. Find that person, give them a heads up to center themselves, and then talk all the shit you have in your mental bowels. But on a Zoom call with a whole bunch of people, including some you barely know? In a Facebook channel for folks just looking for Sherlock news of any sort? Why take the chance of ruining someone's day to air your grievances. If you want to make that your brand, it's a free country (so far), so make your own feed somewhere where folks can ignore you as needed.

Of course, I know you aren't like that. If you read my blogs you pretty much have to be one of those saints who has no problem with the odd opinion. And I thank you for that.

Also, my apologies to Rob for using his post as a springboard for a cannonball into the pool. Ah, but it's Sunday night and I'm all bad-tempered about having to go back to work again tomorrow.