Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hugh Laurie in the Sherlock & Co. Universe

 Things got weird this week in the world of Sherlock & Co., that podcast every Sherlockian should be giving a listen to. In a Patreon exclusive mailbag episode, their "Mrs. Hudson" was answering questions and stated that her favorite doctor was Hugh Laurie in House. This was Marianna speaking as herself in the universe of the show, where she works with Sherlock Holmes and was being read mailbag questions by Doctor John H. Watson.

And yet she likes Hugh Laurie in a TV show, that, in our world, was inspired by Sherlock Holmes.

I have questions!

In Sherlock & Co.'s world, does Gregory House live at 221 Baker Street in apartment B?

In Sherlock & Co.'s world, who does Hugh Laurie play in that movie he was in with Will Farrell and John C. Reilly, and what was that movie's title?

In Sherlock & Co.'s world, does Marianna also like that actor who plays Dr. Strange? And how does she feel about that Everett K. Ross character, played by Martin Freeman? Is she a fan of Martin Freeman?

I felt like shouting "THEY"RE CROSSING THE STREAMS! THEY"RE CROSSING THE STREAMS!" out my window, as my brain tried to parse out this universe that has a Holmes-related actor in a world where Sherlock Holmes isn't from some hundred plus year old stories.

Sherlock & Co. is so full of pop culture references that I'm sure this is not the last time we'll be faced with such a puzzler. But I'm looking forward to everything that comes next on and around that show!