Sunday, July 28, 2024

Minneapolis and Sherlock Holmes @ 50: Sunday Interruptus

 Soooo, 9 AM on a Sunday . . .  and way back over at the library. 

Well, that might have worked for someone who hadn't abused his digestive tract and missed much of his Saturday night sleep. And yet, I just had to see what Max Magee was up to, as you just never know . . .

So Julie McKuras introduced Max, because you just can't have anyone introduce Max. Plus, it's Minneapolis, and I needed to throw a Julie pic in.

And then Max stepped up to discuss four copies of a magazine for an hour.

Yes, you heard me right, four copies of a magazine. Well, more than that actually, but he was mainly doing his talk in honor of the four copies of Beeton's Christmas Annual in the U of M collections, which is probably the most anyone has out of the twenty-something known copies.

Who was Mrs. Beeton? Who owned those known copies and where did they get them? And, hey, do you remember this Jerome Kern song? I don't remember Max's credits including any Wisconsin dairy work, but he milked those four copies of a magazine like a guy who knew how to work the udders of information.

Okay . . . now, I have to say it's Sunday night after one big weekend, I've got a ticket for a Ghost Boat in an hour, and I had to leave after Max's talk for reasons nobody wants to hear detailed, so I'm distracting you with Wisconsin dairy references. (Had a hot skillet of mac n' cheese for supper in the heart of Wisconsin, so there might be a reason for that.)

Anyway, here's a slide of Max's discovery that Johnlock existed before BBC Sherlock.

And with that, I'm outa hear. Plenty of photos from folks to see on Facebook from the weekend, so borrow someone's FB account if you don't have one.

1 comment:

  1. Well I am from Wisconsin. If you didn't already know this, I've now lined up five short articles to evolve from that talk. I have not yet begun to milk!

    Also...champions milk it too.
