Tuesday, August 23, 2022

John H. Watson Society Meeting Planning Committee Meeting

 With Saturday being the monthly Zoom meeting of the John H. Watson Society, and just four short days away, it was imperative that the John H. Watson Society Meeting Planning Committee get together and plan Saturday's meeting. And yet, there was a problem.

A big problem.

Much like that Holmesian society of great renown, the Shingle of Southsea, the John H. Watson Society Meeting Planning Committee typically had only one attendee. And that person's mind had been much diverted lately with the cares of unwanted work travel. No Zoom link had been placed on the website, and no topics had been discussed at the previous meeting. True, the bull pups and friends never really needed a topic to palaver on for an hour or two, but a topic seemed to legitimize the proceedings as some kind of actual society meeting, since no other real agenda was ever held to, especially once we ditched the toasting of the first few meetings.

And so, four days prior to the meeting, is was time again to start thinking of John Watson. His life, his loves, his body parts . . . well, maybe not all of his body parts, as tempting as those discussion points might be toward the titillation of the congregation.

And then, the specter of Nigel Bruce rose. up from the mental ether.

Nigel Bruce. Seen by so many as the ultimate Watson fail. The man who turned Watson into boobus britannicus, the bumbler extraordinaire, the Watson whom it seemed no Holmes should ever have tolerated. But was he really that bad?

Perhaps the time has come to test that theory, and perhaps find some redemption for poor Nigel.

And thus, it was decided, as these very words were typed into the blogosphere -- Saturday's topic for the August meeting of the John H. Watson Society?

The Tournament of Worst Watsons. 

Bracket will be built. Head to head matches will be randomly selected. And a worst Watson will be crowned. Will it be William Nigel Ernie Bruce? Or another.

Drop any suggestions for a "worst Watson" other than Nigel in the comments below and I'll see about adding him to Saturday's competition! 

Because we have a meeting topic!!!! And a meeting: https://www.johnhwatsonsociety.com/the-august-meeting-of-the-jhws/


  1. John Scott-Paget
    Dudley Moore
    Anthony O'Donnell
    Donald Pickering
    Roger Morlidge
    Patrick Macnee
    (Just suggestions. I love them all really)

    1. You just started my "Sweet Sixteen Watsons" list for me! Thanks!

  2. I do think it's outrageous that work should interfere with your Sherlockian life, but that, as the British say, is how the biscuit crumbles. BTW, I will defend Nigel Bruce to the end. So beware!
