Friday, August 16, 2019

Elementary Season Eight only needs one episode.

The final episode of Elementary actually set up a pace of story-telling in which one more episode will be all the Elementary one ever needs. From its three-years-later starting point to its one-year-later last few minutes, it showed that one could make a single hour of the show for its seasons eight-thru-forever and tell all the story you could ever want. Given that, I had to try it out.

Season eight of Elementary begins.

One year later . . .

Mycroft Holmes returns, having faked his death like everyone else, pointing out that he really was smarter than everyone and was secretly running the organization behind Morland Holmes's organization all along, without their father's knowledge. He also reveals that while Joan Watson thinks she adopted Arthur, an unrelated child, the boy is actually her and Mycroft's son, conceived during their night of passion and secretly stolen as an embryo and implanted in a surrogate mother.

Two years later . . .

The late Sebastian Moran's sister is on a murder spree and the victims turn out to be Jamie Moriarty's agents and Moriarty has tricked Joan Watson into catching sister Moran without Jamie actually ever appearing on screen. Mycroft reveals this when he's stopping to pick up Arthur for his weekend shared-custody agreement.

Three years later . . .

Joan is on TV to promote her book How Watson Learned the Trick, which she wrote for her friend, the now Queen Catherine's upon King George's coronation. Sherlock Holmes has been knighted, which George only did to try to convince him to take over the CID. Sherlock pretends to think about it for a while, and Joan tells him he should go, but he winds up staying in New York to work as a humble consultant for Marcus Bell who is now deputy chief.

Four years later . . .

Sherlock is missing and Tommy Gregson is out on the golf course with is daughter when they catch up to the party in front of them, which has a wacky caddy they discover to be amnesiac Sherlock Holmes. Joan Watson decides she must now become the master and make caddy Sherlock her student to bring him back to his former abilities. Jamie Moriarty, who never appears on camera, sends an assassin to kill the now-stupid Sherlock since she can't love an idiot, and a near-fatal headwound removes the tumor that was causing Sherlock's amnesia. The whole incident reminds Joan how important surgery is and she decides to return to her former profession, knowing NYPD is safe under Sherlock's consultations once more.

Five years later . . .

Kitty Winter arrives from London with Clyde, whom London Animal Control wants to put to sleep after he supposedly killed an entire family on a drug-fueled rampage. Watson refuses to let Clyde stay in the house with Arthur, who actually thinks Clyde is cool, so Sherlock puts him up with Miss Hudson and Alfredo Llamosa who now run an animal halfway house together.

One hundred years later . . .

Beth Lestrade is chasing a man who turns out to be an agent of the never-seen clone of Jamie Moriarty. She goes to a certain New York brownstone to find the honey-filled coffin of Sherlock Holmes and revive him. Also, Joan Watson is a robot.

As Captain America says, "I could do this all day." But lunch to have, a Sherlockian to meet, so for now, adieu, eight season Elementary.

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